
March 27, 2023

A Healthy Body Starts With Health Feet


March 27, 2023
Podiatrist in New Jersey
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Podiatrists in NJ treat plantar warts, fungus toenails, chronic muscle, heel, joint pain, plantar fasciitis, corns, calluses, plantar warts, athlete's foot, cracked heels.
Toenail Fungus Laser Therapy
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Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, forms when fungal infections occur underneath the surface of the nail, causing color change, pain, and even unpleasant odor.
What is Toenail Fungus?
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A nail that is infected by a fungus usually turns white or yellow. As the fungus spreads, the nail turns a darker color and gets thicker.
Toenail Fungus
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Your footwear may cause toenail fungus Several factors may cause